Saturday, 19 May 2012

bought a new handphone but not the canggih one!


hoihoihoi! xD
okey, memandangkan today is a saturday *ouh im really glad that saturday come agaaiiinnn!* i went out with my lovely mom to buy my others matriks stuff that is not be bought yet .. *of course lah not be bought yet kan sebab aku baru nak beli xD*

first of all,
we went to my uncle house to see all the preparation of my cousin wedding tomorrow. *cewaahh like a boss huh? just come and see what happen then go back?? xD* hahahha! biasalah~ ~ xD hoihoi! congrates from me abang kerol! xD im wish that your marriage event will be okey and more merrier without me tomorrow.. ~ ouh how sad sobs sobs ~ T_T ... actually for the wedding tomorrow, they have to send my cousin to PAHANG. hoohohoho! not the sebarang pahang you know... i dont remember where is the specific place of the bride home but my mom told me that there is very far like we have to travel from semenyih to ipoh.. hohoho, and now i can imagine how far it is.. ahahha! so far ~ ~ = ="

the akad nikah will be held on 11 am, so all of us as the groom side *semenyih marriii!! semenyih mari!!!* have to leave at 6.30 am dude! wahahaha.. there is so earlier! hooo,, with my 2 naughty younger sisters yang perlu disiapkan pepagi buta tu huuuuu  = v ="  haaa~ haa~ haa~ takpelah. kami rasa kami tinggallah ~ ~

but dont worry!! when the event will be held at the groom side,, wohahaha! hey you!! just say ----> bila? pukul berapa? kat mana? buat apa??  haaahh! small matter!! i can do AAALLLL of that! celah gigi je xDD i will goooooo to his house and lend my help! *kononnyeerrr~ ahai!!* dongarlah! percayolah!! den tak tipu punyoo ~ muke suci takkan tipu pulaaaakk! xDD *jerk!* =,=" suci lah sangat! puihh! xD

okey i think that kita dah lari tajuk right? =.="
look at the post title -----> bought a new handphone but not the canggih one!
hahhaha. okey2 just short to shortcut!! xD *mana punye peribahasa aku kutip daaa = =" *

after my mom and i finished our shopping-mopping ni *hehehe*, we decide to go to tesco to buy a new handphone for me.
*hello kak,, just tesco??* hey you! tesco pon okey what??! =,=" dahlah dekat, murah, ber-aircond, familiarrrr youuuu!!
wwouuu.. then after i finished my discussing with the apek handphone *hahaha! apek handphone aku panggil tokeh tu? tapi kire okey what daripada aku panggil dia amoi/nyonya! xDD* , i bought one nokia 101 in black. actually i wants the blue or grey *they look smart i thought* but the blue colour was not interesting and the grey was not in a menu. =.=" ouhh, okey tak kesahlah mana2 pun saya angkuttt ~

hello, for your information, thought this handphone was neither a touchscreen nor a camera phone, this phone have 2gb memory card and not the "teretettet teretettet" phone okey. xD hahahha!
i ask the apek first b4 i take it away *mcm curik pulak take it away! xDD*------> ni handphone yang teretettet teretettet ka? xD
then he answered me -------> hahahha! *ouh pandai apek ni gelak xD* itu teretettet handphone ahh, bulak sekolah lendah pon tak mau pakai maaa. ini handphone boleh dengar mp3 lagi.
so i said -----> waahh banyak bagus ah apek, kasi i angkat ini handphone. i tak kesah asalkan bukan teretettet teretettet punya handphone.

 xDD ahhahah!!
jatuh martabat ke guna teretettet teretettet handphone??
no lah ~ asalkan handphhone tu berfungsi sebagai handphone sudaa...

hey, actually kan. just this evening.
my bff ----> fairus called me. kami borak and i started a story about my new phone.. *wahh bangga dapat handphone barruuu youuu! xD*  then she said that she also bought a new one. just same like me! hahaha, but she choose the red one. hahaha! kebetulankan? 2 bff wearing the same phone.. eh actually not 2 lah.. BUT 3!! hahha!im forgot! sorry ~ my bff -----> syima also use this phone but not in the same type lah i thought. she doesnt have mp3 and colouring on the phone display.. yeaah! she is the one in this decade that use the teretettet teretettet one xDD ahahaha! actually dia lebih selesa dgn handphone gitu, bukan sebab dia tak mampu keeyyh! no wonder lahhh! yang penting and tha fact is : 3 of us wearing the same phone.. waaahhhh! hahahha!

why i bought the new one phone ha sedangkan aku dah ada corbyll??
hahhaha! just a week ago. T_T this is a sad story.... please prepare some tissue to wipe your tears!! alkisaaahhh.. laksamana hang tuahhh ~ at friday evening, i wearing my mom phone ------> c5 nokia , with my celcom simcard and go to take my picture at pekan semenyih with my friend farahim. she drove her car. and i still remember that i deleted some of my inbox msg in her car b4 we reached at the kedai gambar. then, when she dropped me in front of the kedai gambar, i cant remember where is the phone have i putted. either i hold it in my arms or push it into my jeans pockets. i really can remember anything because in that time,im just thinking of -----> agak2 comel tak gambar yang aku tangkap tadi nii.. harap2 comel.. xDD hahhah! tak senonoh ~

so the conclusion is, i have lost my mom's phone and now she wearing my corbyll i thought and i have to buy the new cheapest one to use it personally in matriks soon... how sad.. T_T sobs sobs.. im sorry mom.... careless mistake! and my celcom simcard! i really you dearrr.. but its okey, althought my new phone doesn't have wifi or camera but its still have memory card and mp3 gadget xDDD

aku ada... kau ada???


okey thats all for today
daa! wasalam

Saturday, 12 May 2012

yeah girl-girls day out together!

 yeah! saya nurhanis azhar ingin memberi salam kepada anda!
assalamualaikum! and a very good day!

actually activity girls day out nih 8hb Mei hari tu...
tapi disebabkan aku nih malas nak menaip, aku postponed2 sampai lah hari ni..
hahahha! baru sampai mood nak update blog.. 
haiiisss ,, mood ohh mood.. mana kau hilang ha?
sian blog ni tak berupdate!

okeyh! 8hb Mei hari tu..
kak nurul (ex-staff aku) ajak aku and ex-staff kheng wah perempuan yang lain
untuk hang out sesama.. 
and yang bestnyaa....
MAKAN and KAROKE dia berlanja!
waaaahhh!! nih aku suko nih!!
aku bab2 makan, memang aku tak tolak lah..
hooiisshh memang tolak rezeki lah namanya kalau aku tolak "tawaran tuh" ! xDD

kami semua tak hang out jejauh ponn
kat metropoint je. xD
wat pe jauh2.. sakit kaki je jalan..
kos pun dapat dibudgetkan xD
hanya tambang bas pergi balik je yang perlu diexpandkan xDD

aku malas nak cerita,,
but korang tengok jer lah gambar2 kami nih...
hahahah! seriously sepanjang makan, memang mulut kami tak reti diam,
kesian mamat yang tukang take oder tu..
hahahhaha! kami ni loya buruk ngan dia...
aku pulak suko ngusik orang,, ha, memang kena sangat lah tu...
asyik2 gelak jer tak henti2..
gelak kasi 1 PIZZA HUT dengarrr!!
dan2 kami yang start makan awal, pastu orang yang makan kemudian pulak habis dulu!
yeaahh! dasyat2 betul ex-staff kheng wah nih!!
gud job girls!!

yeahh! overall of us!!

aku tengah bengang dengan azmin! dia ingat dia sorang leh makan kentang??
aku pon boleh lah! xD

nih lah aku! xDD

nampak muka tension tunggu oder tak sampai2.. azmin senyum2 aku tak tau apa pasal.. xD

peace.. senyum ayu2 gi tu.. waaahh! comelnyah! xD


experiment aku dengan azmin untuk menghasilkan air float, sebab air float tiada dalam senarai oder kami .
kreatif tak?? ahaaiikk puih xD

kami semua singgle2 ye,, plural2 tak mainlah der xD

asal sesat dak skolah nih? hahhah! almaklumlah baru daftar form6 yer kak?? xD


kita minum untuk celebrate masing2 tak kerja kheng wah lagi xDD

poyo je sebenarnya amalina and zati ni.. icecream tu kami pinjam meja sebelah punya oder xDD hahahha!

friends forever after !

kak nurul dan para bininya!! awww member2 lain romantiks tapi aku je yang huhahuha xD

agak panas disini yea,, almaklumlah masing2 ratu lilin xD

chingchang chingchang alexander! xD

sedapppp! sampai licin takde 1 pon yang tinggal.. errggh! alhamdulillah kekenyangan..

3 of them!
nyam nyam nyam!!
okeyh daahh! ahhahha!
dah habis makan2 nih,, kami gi zohor jap then terus masuk music box..
2 hours please! xDD
hahahha! bantai karoke 2 jam..
and untuk pengetahuan korang,, yang lain suara2 gila sedapp
dan2 turn aku nyanyi.. alamak der... toksah cakap..
aku tau suara kambeng mengembek tu orang lagi tertarik nak mendengar daripada dengar aku nyanyi.. waakakakkak!
tapi aku peduli apa??!
hahhahah! suke hati aku lah nak nyanyi....!
lagi pon takde boys ,, and takkan nak tengok diorang nyanyi je kan..
hahaha xDD

okey lah.. dah banyak bebelan aku nih...
dah ngantuk
gua cau dulu yea!
salah silap mintak maap

yeah! hampir selesai urusan2 untuk sambung belajar.

ya assalamualaikum!

hohoho! xDD
yeah! sudah hampir 70% persedian telah aku buat untuk continue my study.
actually aku dapat 2 tawaran daripada pihak kementerian..
alhamdulillah,, bersyukur sangat2!

=D ngeeee ~ ~ ~ ~
nak senyum jer memanjang.. hahaha!
ikutkan, aku memang minat untuk course under diploma tu..
UiTM Bertam tuh! Pulau Pinang!
hahaha! memang favourite place akuu!
char kuey teow, pasemboq, laksa pinang, rojak mamak
dia perhh! memang aku lahap sampai habis..
*err, pelahap rupanya ish3 ~*
ah nak buat cammana kan,, rejeki! xD

tapi pape pon,, keputusan memang tak boleh dibuat secara melulu..
penat aku pikir yang mana patut aku pilih.
nak masuk matrik tapi orang kata hard kene struggle setahun untuk dapat pointer tinggi pastu leh terus degree, amik mana2 course kita minat (itupun kalau pointer tinggi lah cik minah oii).
tapi aku nak jugak rasa amik diploma belajar releks 3 tahun tapi course dah fix kat situ and duit banyak yuran by semester spend lohhh. amboii kayo nampak? dah lah 6 semester! xD
setelah istikarah dibuat,
survey pun dah buat,,
aku dengan rela hati memilih MATRIKULASI JOHOR
sebagai tempat untuk aku struggle hebis2an selama setahun untuk sambung ke degree.
harap2 dengan doa mak aku, aku berjaya kat sana.. aminn!

thanks ma, banyak beli barang sambung belajar untuk akak,
yuran pun mama bayar,
mau dah spend a lot of money..
love u maa!!
insyaAllah akak try buat the best kat sana..
untuk kebaikan kita bersama jugak..
mama kena sentiasa doakan akak ye ma..
harap2 akak tak salah pilih kawan kat sana sehingga
boleh menjejaskan pelajaran and hubungan kita =D
meh aku babab sapa yang try nak jejaskan hubungan kami.. hamboiii3!

hmm,, okey lah, 
setakat nih,
yuran matriks n akaun GIRO BSN pon aku dah bukak..
dengan bangganya aku cakap,, aku yang uruskan sendiri dengan kawan2 aku
yang lain.. hehehhehe,, aku dah besarr! hahah! tak sangka weeh aku dah pandai
buat urusan2 bank ni tanpa parent aku! xDDD
bagi aku ini adalah perkara yang membanggakan sebab aku tak pernah buat apa2
urusan bank sama ada dengan parent or diri sendiri.. so ini pengalaman 1st time..
thanks to ezzah and farahim coz sudi menguruskan urusan ni sama2 dengan aku..
waahh,, dah besar, tak main nak kereta parent..
naik kereta sendiri je xDD
hahahha! ezzah punya kereta,, alang2 dia ada lesen, 
so dia kene sacrifice jadi supir kami xDD
okeyh! ngantuk dah nih!
daaa u oolsss! 
*wah gediks gitu nyah! mau jo mintak dilompang laju2!!xD*