Sunday, 19 January 2014

Journal mu Journal ku juaaa

assalamualaikum wbt.

yaww hai ! haha. ok for this entry, aku akan share kan about my esaimen PDJ untuk subject counselling. untuk esaimen ni alhamdulillah aku dapat... satu.. emm dua.. emm.. hehe lapan per sepuluh. :D #kachengg! sebelum tu, maafkan aku sebab aku tau. there is a lot of grammatical error yang terdapat dalam esaimen aku ni. almaklumlah wuhu.. aku ni muet pon repeat 2 kali. kali kedua tu pon baru cecah band 3 hahahaa..! ayat sedeh je blah laa! okay. i just want to share my experience about counselling in my life so enjoy your reading :)

Personal Development Journal.

First time I walked into Faculty of Education, which placed at Seksyen 17 Shah Alam, I was wondering what the subjects later would be my “burden” in this degree stage. This is because, we as part 1 students of Bachelor of Education (Hons) were not be exposed clearly about our course’s subjects and classes during orientation. We do know nothing. Even though when we are look at the timetable shown on the notice-board, my friends and I didn’t know what the subjects are shown with the short cut word.

MAT 421. “Maybe it is math’s class.” EDU 404. “EDU? What was that?” EDU 430. “Huh? EDU again? What is the different with this previously EDU class?” My eyes look at the lecturer’s name, Siti Hawa Othman. Hmmm... her name just like a woman with full of kindness. Hopefully, amin... And I hope too that she is sporting and not ‘violent in temper’ person. Amin. We are starting from zero, until we attend to the classes as shown as the timetable given. Then slowly, we understand the flow and the system of the university.

The first EDU 430 class that have I attended was on Wednesday 10.20 am, placed at Cendana 1. Datin Siti Hawa came into the class about 10-15 minutes later. As she came into the class, automatically my mouth was shut. Just like a situation where a discipline teacher coming into your class and the class were automatically in a silent mode. Syyhhh.... Just the sound of aircond was heard. My first expression towards her, she looks like a straight person and ... is it she is a Chinese? Hmmm, nope I don’t think so because her name showing that she is a Malays woman. Yeah, maybe Chinese look. Whatever, but I like her hair and her style. Look simple and nice.

When she starts to have a conversation, I was so impress. Wow, what good English that she has. I understand nicely for every single sentence that she said but if she asks us, I don’t know how to reply it. Yeah, maybe my English was not so good as her so I don’t have any confident to reply her back in English. So sometimes I refer to silent and smiling. Haha. When Datin Siti Hawa told us her experiences as a counsellor, I was again, impress. There are a lot of experiences that she have and share to us! We are lucky to hear that from someone who are well experienced. Then I realize that in EDU 430 class, we will learn about counselling, guidance, giving advices, how to act like a good teacher, don’t bias to your students, think rationally to conduct the situation not emotionally and else. We’ll learn every single thing about psychology.

For me, the word of psychology is so interesting. I’m really excited knowing that I’ll learn about psychology. Since I’m 17, I always try to survey and search on internet how to psycho people around us, how to develop our psycho’s skill and else. It was really interesting!

In EDU 430 class, I have heard that Datin Siti Hawa told us everything about her experiences when she was a counsellor in a primary school. She told us her story, and my mind was automatically reviews back, flash back, into my school memory. I tried to compare up her story, is it same as mine when I was a student. Some stories were same but some were not. I was attracted with her statement which are some teachers do bias toward their students and always chatter about the class who getting lower mark compare to the highest one. Yes, I really agree about that statement!
Some teachers do bias. When I’m 17, there is a graduation event which I have to attend to. My entire class members (42 students including me) were compulsory to attend that event. We don’t know why but we just think that, “Ok guys, we are the first batch who got this graduation event. So let’s enjoy it! Don’t think that it is a burden on this weekend.” Yeah, as a SPM’s student we didn’t like to attend or wasting off our gold weekend times with this such event. But some of my friends think it as a positive way.

But there are something shocking us. Although we are the first class (Bio-science student) in that school, we have a lot of friends which come from Account students, Art students and else. Even my cousin is an account student too in that school. We have heard that only student in 5 Cemerlang (Account)  who got success in their trial exam can join this event while the rest can’t join it because the teacher said that the graduation event already have enough student to attend to. Not only 5 Cemerlang but also 5 Ehsan and 5 Dedikasi were received that instruction. What the pity of them! Even my class was the first class, I know there are some of my class members were got worse in his trial exam but teacher force us to join it. Compulsory! No choice.  But why they are so selective to other classes? “This event just belongs to 5 Amanah and 5 Bestari. Not us. So we no need to attend.” Okay.. Some fishy had happen here. We feel so sorry to them.

In a view of counselling, I start to attend the counselling room when I was 13. This is because I had a sexual abuse from my friend so I make decision to report it. Then I continue my “visiting” to counselling room just until form 3 because my counselling teacher got to move to other school. Although she got to move to other school, I still come and visit her, since her house is nearby to mine.

As a teacher-to-be, I think that it is necessary for us to learn counselling subject. There are wide in use of counselling. As a teacher, we are just not teaching the children or teenagers about academic but also motivate and give some passion to them about their life. We know that there are a lot of conflicts occur in teenage years including social illness, family problems and also friend matter. So as an educator and moderator of the teenagers, we should take part on how to reduce their conflict and help them to solve their problem by their own decision.

It’s not just counselling teacher can give advice or any sort of motivation to the students, other teachers also can take the role. That is why we have to learn the counselling, perhaps it would help us to encourage or give some advice to our students later. Each teacher must have that counselling skill even though she or he is not a counselling teacher. This because, in counselling we not just give motivation or advices, but also psycho our client, that came from students and also their parents. What I mean by psycho here is how do we interact with them with psychology method. This psychology method was also in one of counselling subtopic.

I’ll make an example here from my experience when I was 15. My History teacher builds up two conditions. First, all students must bring along their History text book during History subject and second, she will select someone (the “lucky” one) that her like to explain in front of others class member for the whole chapter that have she explained before. Those who forget to bring the text book or fail to explain the complete story about selected chapter, she or he will lead the other class member to receive a punishment.

She will not give a physical punishment, but a mental punishment. We have ever taste how “sweet” sat below our own table for 30 minutes! Wow.. Imagine that a student with size double XL have to stay below her table for 30 minutes, superb. Not just that, we also have receive a punishment which have to stand straight along the class’s corridor during our senior break time. What a shame when our crush see us stand straight outside the class while our teacher just sitting on the chair. Some of our friends (next class) just laughing at us.

Since that day, all of us.. I repeat ALL of us, always check and remind each other to bring the history text book along and conquer the topic given. If one forgot to bring their own book, all of us will find another solution together, fast, which is borrow other History book from other class. What is important? Cooperation. There is first time I saw my classmates (the boys) which have never held the book with their hands before, hold the book and bring it along during recess time. Haha. Its so funny and awkward when saw school thugs read book during anyone else have a breakfast with Nasi Lemak.

It is important to use psychology in education method. There are a lot of benefits if we look deeply for the outcomes. Base on my story, I was salute for my History teacher which use psychology that leads us to success. I got A for my History in PMR even though I just got D before for my final exam Form 2. My classmates entire also get high mark compared to their previous exam. I said thanks to my History teacher which encourage and enhance my friends and I to love History.

Later, when I am a teacher, I would like to use certainly of my previous teacher’s method to encourage my students to study with enjoyable. Love on what they do and miss on what they practice. I’m always wish that I will be the best teacher to my beloved student .... soon. Which on future, I will always in their heart, as my teachers in my heart.

Experienceszzz : students paling poyo !

assalamualaikum wbt

hai awakk haha. ok as you know la, since my course is related with education emm so a lot of presentations that i have to handle to instead of assignments. ala takat assignement tu leh kire dengan jari laa. berapa je kene buat kalau nak dibandingkan dengan presentation. eh jap. hmm tapi aku rasa macam sama banyak je sebab setiap presentation yang kitorang buat mesti kene ada hardcopy in form of printed slides or project payyper. haha.. perlu ke sebut "payyperr"? huhu. ekceli sama je banyaknyaaaa. aku ingat presentation lagi banyak. tapi seyezly kalau nak dicomparekan dengan course lain, memang course pendidikan ni banyak presentation yang kene handle. dah lah markah tu carry mark! weii carry mark weii.. hadooiiaii memang sah sah la kene buat betul betul. tambah tambah lagi lecturer yang sherewettt.. tapi ekceli, yang cerewet nilah yang membantu kita untuk jadi yang lebih baik. ;D ting ! # bunyik gigi shining

ok first presentation yang aku buat ialah perihal maria montessori. korang kenal ke sapa montessori nih? antara aku, dengan montessori,, tak ada kene mengena... haha. so untuk amik hati lecturer aku ni ha, aku just ikut je la apa yang dia nak kan. amik semua comments received by previous groups as iktibar, jangan repeat kesalahan yang diorang dah buat and alhamdulillah :) group aku dapat pujian yang pertama dari lecturer tersebut hehe. aku buat presentation ni in 2 ways communication, a lot of pictures and diagrams yang aku create dalam slide and the most important is i created my own video for this presentation : D hehe.. sila layari link berikut :

itu untuk subject history and development of education. then proceed ke counseling subject. hehe. madam suruh everyone hantar PDJ which stands for Personal Development Journal. ni journal kita berceloteh pasal our real life experience that related with counseling. banyak jugak lah yang aku celoteh bebel bebel dalam tu. dah macam cerpen aku rasa, dahlah 5 pages ! english pulak tu.. adooi. budak kelas lain elok je 3 pages. aku nak merajok dengan madam macam bangang pulak tiba tiba nak marajok apa hal? hahaha. so nak tak nak aku try buat macam aku mengarang blog. then result aku dapat 8/10 utk carry mark PDJ alhamdulillah :D hehe.. tapi bab test aku memang out giler.. seyez. baik history mahupun counseling urgghh tak kesah la subject ape, test aku memng rendah. sebab study last minit. ha ni la monyet.. study lagi last minit.. kalau dapat high mark pon boleh kire dengan jari coz aku stay up and struggle untuk score test. itu pon sekali sekala xD haha. adoii taubat la aku untuk sem 2 ni ~

sometimes aku buat jugak mende mende gini haha. its working
but its  long lasting coz note ni akan hilang sehari selepas test berlangsung -_-

okay.  haha. aku ni hobinya dalam kelas suka bising and bertanya orang. and kadang2 soalan yang aku tanya tu, aku dah tau jawapannya hehe. sometimes aku tanya sebab nak kena kan member2 aku yang lain yang tengah present tu haha, kasi dia gabra siket tapi kadang2 aku tanya sebab nak wujudkan 2 ways communication untuk tolong member yang tengah present tu konon-kononnya kitorang ni pay attention giler2 la kat presentation dia.. ahhaha! jahatnya aku ! ekceli memang pay attention pon coz aku and the geng selalu cop tempat depan sekali dalam kelas. and pernah, ada dua orang budak laki dalam kelas titas aku (non my classmates becoz titas gabung kelas) polak sebab aku banyak tanya soalan and diorang tak tau jawapan2nya. hehehhee.. seronok kenakan orang :P last2 diorang pulak ajukan soalan kat aku, tapi alhamdulillah aku leh jawab becoz diorang bentangkan pasal tamadun india. hey, aku dengan tamadun india tak ada beza taw? dil phir bi hai hindustani, chakde india challo bete!! hahaha .. i love bollywood so i know la certain thing bout them :D kehkehkeh.. and sometimes budak laki dalam kelas titas aku ni perasan hensem tau. sori to say la haha. coz waktu group aku present , aku nampak ade sorang dua dah tersembam tido kat belakang. so aku perhatikan apa yang member aku ni tengah present, aku hafal dalam 2-3 isi then akhir kelas aku aim diorang. aku yakin diorang tak dapat jawab sebab jawapan soalan aku hanya ada pada slide yang diorang tido tadi hahaha. then aku aim, "abang kacak haloba berbaju putih tu tolong jawab" then sederet budak laki tu ada la dalm 5 orang try jawab soalan aku SERENTAK. memang aku gelak arr.. hahaha, mamai la tu, kan baru bangun tido.

then aku ada jugak subjet SCE; Scince and Society the only one on-going-mark subject. kitorang takda exam final or any test and for this subject. mark will be given by lecturer 100% according to our ability, effectiveness, facts, the way we present and else. ok this presentation was awesome becoz dapat jugak pujian dari mr mubarak.. kitorang present not using slides but through prezi. i think this also was a reason why we got the pujian  haha. lain dari other group i guess. this link about our presentation, so do visit it :)

iffa excited sangad nak suruh aku ambek gambar dia.
kau ingat kau sapa ? hahaha xD kidding 

yer. aku ngaku, aku pon tergedik gedik jugak suruh
 iffa tangkapkan gambar dengan lukisan ni.
but, apa specialnya pasal drawing ni??

ekceli the drawing kan, we want to give to our ... beloved... emm or respected?
 ... lecturer mr mubarak yak :) hehey yak tu nama timang2..
ni as souvenir to our lecturer since semua orang dapat sorang satu penanda buku.
untuk lecturer kami bagi special siket laa, lukisan. :P # kami anti rasuah

#lukisan #by #aku 

Our presentation is related to genetic engineering and biotechnology. ekceli tajuk ni kitorang dapat paksa-rela taw haha sebab kene undi. masa dapat taw tajuk tu atiq dah tersembam kepala atas meja. abes laaa kitorang ~ abeslaaaa kitorang ~ pening kepala gak la nak buat sebab scope for our topic agak besar jugak, so atas idea member group kami, kitorang kecikkan kan scope, buat pasal clonning :D ngehngehngeh. dolly the sheep, still remember? yeah ! pasal tu laa . thanks to atiq, imah, azie adn lovely iffa becoz jadik the great group members untuk presentation SCE hehe :)

hmm.. kalau nak diikutkan, ada lagi presentation2 yang lain, tapi takyah lah citer yang lain tu.. menjela sangat haha. and just want to let you know, masa presentation SCE ni aku pernah mempersoalkan my classmates yang datang lambat. tak perlu taw la berapa lambat tapi memang lambat lah. and aku taw hamba2 Allah tu tak suka aku soal dia begitu. so officially kat sini, mintak maaf to those boys yang terkena kata2 aku tu. so sorry if korang tak selesa dengan cara aku. hehe. tapi aku rase korang memang patut kene marah pon masa tu hahaha.... kejam giler aku ni... sory guys! i must to give you amaran that time becoz aku tengok sir macam suke je korang kene marah .. ahhahaha! Ya Allah, apahallahh aku ni ... ok ni last, sorry officially to bush, saiful and dayat :) i really mean it. 

owraitt.. aku rasa cukop setakat ni. memang terlalu banyak mende weiii aku nak cerita.. tapi biar yang penting2 saja ye hehe okay tata.! wasalam

Saturday, 18 January 2014

moving from shah alam to semenyih !

assalamualaikum wbt

ok. now bila dah habes final, rasa cam nak jadi gedik sebentar. hamaigaadd! exam dah habes sukenyer sukenyer #shakinghands.

sehari selepas final, segala barang sudah diangkat pergi ke dalam bonet kereta. haha. express tak? tapi tak lah se-express member aku tuh, abes final teros sign out kolej then blahh ! wahhaii... channai express betol !
ok. lantak pi dia la kan. so aku dengar dengar gosip dari mak aku yang lepas amik aku nak pegi jenjalan kat klcc.. wahh aku dah lah lama terperap kat shah alam ni memang elok sangat la bawak aku tengok dunia luar haha.

we all saja shopping and makan kat suria klcc sambil cuci cuci mata tengok persiapan tahun baru china kat klcc. santek sangad ! haha. ade kuda emas. limau. warna-warna merah. seyez cantik :D

my love mama and ayah :)

seyez, he is my adopted brother.

ok tengok muke maira.. hodoh giler dik!
tak sangka maira berbakat buat muke jawo penyekk. 

yaww ! hidong kami sama.
so he is not an adopted. haha.

ok then we all pergi ziarah nenek kat ampang. nampaknya nenek tak berapa sehat masa kami datang tu. baru habis buat dialysis so agak lemah kondisinya. ok semua, tadah doa, moga moga nenek ku sehat selalu amin ! and kebetulan kat area rumah nenek aku masa tu ada pasar malam, then apa lagi hahaha. cuci mata laaa beb! beli keropok lekor untuk si dira and maira, becoz diorang suke sangat keropok lekor. and aku ada beli kuih benderam yang selalu aku beli kat pasar malam seksyen 17 shah alam. eh ke penderam? ala wei aku trak ingat ! something sound like that la or nama scientific dia telinga keling. hadoii apa jadah letak nama kuih tu telinga keling? aku nak makan terbayang telinga ...... ok dah habes! haha. pastu aku terbeli... hahha ada ek istilah terbeli? chooii... ni ha aku beli kuih putu piring :D my favourite. mumumuahh.. haha, lama dah kott aku tercari cari kuih ni tapi tak dak! at last jumpa jugakk. suka kau ba! suka ba! suka ba!

dari shah alam ke kl, dari kl ke ampang, lastly dari ampang ke semenyih yeahh! home sweet home. room sweet room!  naseb baik lah bilik aku tak macan disaster dikerja kan adik adik aku yang kuat menyepah ni. haha. kalau tak satu hal lagi nak kemas. ekceli, diorang dah sepah2 kan bilik aku ni then bila tau aku nak balik, diorang cepat2 kemas balik. #sumber #ibuku haha. ha berani mendajal bilik aku? sekeh kangg ~

ok owrait.. nak gerak dulu, next post will be my experiences sepanjang bergelar part 1 student uitm shah alam :) remember, one experience per post and enjoy your reading tata! wasalam,

semester 1 breakkk !

assalamualaikum wbt.
ya Allah dah berkepam blog aku ni ! lama tak bukak, mashhamm giler !

okay memang tak dinafikan, aku sangat sangat busy sampai tak sempat nak update blog hahaha. tak sempat nak makan pun ye jugak.. #ok ni tipu. vukan hanis la kan kalau tak sempat nak makan. vukan? what the hellllo is vukan? haha. typo. 

our final is finished !

owrait.. my final dah habis, now time untuk say horraayyy loudly! haha. monyet ! orang cakap alhamdulillah, dia nak say say horraayyy bagai. Alhamdulillah kepada Allah The Great yang telah mempermudahkan segala urusan aku and kawan kawan yang lain masa exam kitorang termasuklah dari segi kesihatan, punctuality, daya ingatan, usaha yang baik dan semua lah . banyak menda kalau nak cerita kat sini haha. and tak lupa jugak my lovely parent yang sentiasa doakan aku yang chomel ni ahkkk, kesenangan yang kita perolehi ni tak semestinya sebab prinsip kita yang  usaha doa dan tawakal tu, tapi berkat doa ibu bapa kita jugak. kadang kadang perasan tak, kita usaha ciput nak mati tapi result dia perhh lagi tinggi dari orang yang selalu stay up minum nescafe tengah tengah malam tu. thats why, jaga lah hubungan dengan kedua ibubapa kita yek ! haha. ni nasihat ni. untuk semua orang. redha Allah kat kita bergantung pada redha kedua ibubapa kita kat kita. 

ok ekceli banyak mende nak cerita kat you ollz about my experience sepanjang kat uitm shah alam ni. haha. banyak kenangan manis pahit yang aku akan kongsikan through post by post hehe. insyaAllah ok? so enjoy your reading ! thats all from me :)

yeahh ! muke bahagie after finished the bio's exam. #padahal #anothermore #3papers #waiting